Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Conversations 2

Conversations 2

Early morning. Monsieur enters from beach, an old man in swim trunks and a shirt, carrying his towel. He has obviously been swimming. Though the bar is not open, Marie sits at one of the tables.

Marie: You swim?

Monsieur: Every morning for as long as I've been able.

Marie: Sorry, I wasn't quite sure you ever left that table. Why don't you ever swim later, when it's hot?

Monsieur: It is plenty hot now and later the sun is so bright. The sun pains my eyes.

Marie: Oh.

Monsieur: We are not open, but I can get you something.

Marie: Any coffee? I'm sorry, I came here I guess because Gil does. He didn't come home last night.

Monsieur: I will get some coffee—with?

Marie: Cream, thanks.

Monsieur nods and exits. Marie is clearly thinking while she waits—a kaleidoscope of emotions. Monsieur returns with two cups and sits.

Monsieur: You live together then?

Marie: He has an apartment but usually just goes there to work. He paints, some sculpture.

Monsieur: Ah, an artist. Has he been working lately?

Marie: I don't know. Now that you mention it, I don't think very much. It's not like he's professional. He's a clerk in an office.

Monsieur: And you?

Marie: (shakes her head) I don't know. I'm a projectionist at the theater. I was dating the manager and he found out I used to do it and then his man left, so I started. We haven't been together for a long time, but I'm still working.

Monsieur: Used to do it where? (Gil enters)

Marie: Gil, where have you been?

Gil: Working. Sorry. I got started and just kept going...I should have called. (They embrace and Monsieur leaves).

Man and Woman are back both drinking wine.

Woman: Why didn't you just say, I want to go see the first manned launch? Did you really think I'd say no?

Man: I thought you'd come with …. desire …. if it was to go someplace new and fun. And if we saw this too, then you'd say oh, isn't that nice. Otherwise you'd have just come along.

Woman: Matt. Could you just trust me? I actually like your company. No I don't give a damn about spaceflight per se, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching a launch with you. It's beautiful here, so let's enjoy it? Let's swim today, have a good dinner, and ... mess around?

Matt: (laughs) I love you. I don't know why it gets the way it does.

Woman: Routine. Routine kills everything. When you date, the other person is the thing that makes things special. When you marry, they're just part of the everyday.

Matt: Anne, I promise to try, no to stop trying, and just let us be. Ok?

Anne: Ok. Let's go for that swim.

Celeste (the bartender): Steve, (confidentially) when I came in this morning Monsieur was out front talking to Marie. Sitting with her and talking.

Steve: Seriously?

Celeste: They had coffee and were chatting away. Gil showed up and Monsieur left, but...never seen the like.

Steve: He talked to me about Gil when we closed last night. Not a lot, but he asked about him. He's never asked about me.

Celeste: Maybe he's going crazy. He must be a 100.

Steve: I don't think that much....but who knows. He said last night that people just assume staying alive is automatic, or something like that. As if somehow you got up every morning and made a choice to hit the on switch for another day.


  1. Nice. I'm particularly liking the developing atmospherics.

  2. love the "routine kills" line ;)

