Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 53 recherche

Below is a scene summary of what I've done so far. I felt like I was losing track of what I'd done, so today has been a day of review, first the summary and now a thorough re-read, finished Acts 1 and 2 so far--I like them and am pleased to see that some of my feared drifting really isn't, but still it's overly long and it needs tightening. I may need to get rid of a character. We'll see.

Scene summary

1.1 Morning: Introduce Marie Gil, Gil has cancer, Matt and Anne: beach vs launch, Jeanette enters

1.2 Afternoon: A&M argue, G&M post doctor visit, Gil off to paint

1.3 Evening: News of Gils cancer spreads to C&Monsieur. Gil comes in drunk argues with Monsieur— G leavesA&M reconcile, .

1.4 A&Marie become friendly, A suggests J&M go to the space center together.

1.5 Closing time: bon mots from Monsieur

2.1 Early Morning: Marie, Monsieur returning from swim

2.2 Morning: Jeanette and Celeste, then A&M and Marie, J&Matt to space and Anne&Marie to shop

2.3 Later morning: Intro Jacob and poster. Then Mdala and poster

2.4 Afternoon: Marie&Anne return, Anne meets Mdala. M&J return. Sparks fly.

2.5 Evening: Jeanette and Marie fight., M leaves. Steve backstory, sort of. Gil enters drunk depressed overpays and disappears, Marie returns goes in search

2.6 Later that evening: Steve and Marie debate calling police, Jacob and Gil enter, much conflict among the parties

2.7 Closing time: Monsieur, Celeste, Steve philosophize, Monsieur and Celeste's backstory.

3.1 Morning: Matt and Mdala debate space. Anne & Jeanette join them, more sparks. Jacob & Marie enter, Gil in hospital, suicide attempt. Monsieur late coming in, but arrives. Jacob is snubbed a nd leaves. Marie tells Jeanette she is pregnant and told Gil. Anne seems to patch things up with Jeanette.

3.2 Late Morning: Monsieur is sleeping at his table. A&M come in, and Celeste serves because Steve has not come in. Jeanette arrives. They are readying to depart for the launch.

3.3 Midday: Jacob enters asking after Gil, reluctantly Celeste gives him the good news that he is getting out later today. More banter over God directing our lives, until Jacob collapses.

3.4 Late afternoon: There has been an explosion at the space center, C&M listen on radio. Police arrive asking questions; Steve is in jail for attempting to liberate a house of prostitution. Celeste leaves to post bail, and Marie stands in as barkeep and waiter.

3.5 Marie and Monsieur talk of life and the need to live consciously.

3.6 A,M,&J return from launch with tales of Mdala blowing himself up. Launch is delayed. Celeste returns, Steve has refused bail. Anne and Marie leave to get Gil. J&M squabble over Matt's characterizing Mdala as a terrorist. Matt gets his philosopher moment with Celeste. Anne,Marie&Gil return with Jacob in tow. Jeanette returns with Steve in hand. Steve discovers Monsieur is dead—the rocket launches.

4.1 Morning: All gather unplanned. Expressions of despair and reminiscence. Celeste is opening the place, informs that M will be cremated and ashes scattered; they are at the only service they will be. Steve declares he's not returning to work. Marie offers to take his place. Steve and Jacob fight over Jacob's religious comments. It becomes a general “god” debate which ends when Jeanette says “Monsieur would have said” and Celeste stops her insisting that she not invoke him or his authority. Police arrive

4.2 Moments later: Mdala is alive—did not blow himself up. Matt reiterates his presumption of Mdala's fanaticism, which reopens the stereotyping debate. Mdala arrives, and is shocked to learn that this group believed him capable of the bombing.

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