Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 61 Coast Walk Entry 7

I should note that the photos with printing on them are actually postcards, some of which were mailed back home with notes on the back. So in this group, only the picture of the fishermen is Ruth's.


Sunday July 26, '31
Gardiner Hotel
On the Umpqua River
At the forks of road according to directions we hailed a passing car but the boys were not going to Reedsport and I thought one – the driver – did not have a very pleasant expression so they went on. Then I was cross to Matt because I didn't want people to think we are hitch hikers – “beggars.” I was really irritated with being stared at by every passer by and by what seemed to me the sneer on that driver's face.
A little farther along we bought carrots and beets from a woman also some fresh milk and some home made cookies. These were just a reminder to Matt of how hungry he was and we looked eagerly for a place to camp where it was safe and there would be good water and a place to build a fire. We had hiked about three miles when two men in a roadster bearing the sign fire patrol stopped and offered us a ride in the rumble seat which we accepted most gladly. We offered to pay but he would not accept.
The officer took us as far as Reedsport where we took the ferry to Gardiner. On the ferry we obtained some information about the coast and a place to camp, the roads and hight house.
A woman on the ferry told us again about the old Stage Line, the roads and invited us to ride with them to within a few miles of Florence.
We did not accept as we want to go back to Reedsport in the morning for mail and to look the town over. And perhaps we can get a ride in a fish boat.
The trail which the Forest officer pointed out proved to be pretty and led back up behind the reservoir. By the time we reached the place it was dark, there seemed to me no place to build a fire. Poor Matt was starving hungry and I didn't feel like cooking any way although he said he'd eat cookies and be satisfied.
We hid our packs and went back to town which seemed to be asleep at about nine o'clock.
Finally we reach a Hotel. The proprietor hunted up somebody who made us some sandwiches with cold roast beef some sliced tomatoes, good black berry pie and coffee for me and milk for Matt.
By the time we had finished it was very dark so we made arrangements to stay overnight at the Hotel.
We went back for our packs and Matt phoned home t let them know we are safe.
I'm burned to pain inspite of the Santiseptic lotion.

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