Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 60 Coast Walk Entry 6

This is really the first of two entries on Sunday July 26. The second is written in the evening after they have arrived at a hotel. That post is followed by many photos which I'll post up in groups probably.

Sunday July 26 – 1931
Old Home Camp on
Ten Mile Creek
WE got up about 6:15 Am. If my watch is correct.
Washed ourselves in the creek which looks clean and is refreshingly cold. Our faces are swollen and sore with wind and sunburn. Our feet have blisters and our joints were stiff and sore until we had moved about in the sunshine. This place is protected from most of the beach wind.
We boiled or at scalded the water forcooking and drinking then made breakfast of coffee (for me) pancakes and bacon. Matt has gone scouting while I fiish dishes and boil water for our canteen.
This would be a nice place to camp for several days if we could get good safe drinking water in greater quantities.
Tides for July 26
At Humboldt bay { High Low
10.46 Am 4.3 feet 4.00 Am – -0.9 feet
9.15 Pm 6.8 “ 3.20 Pm – 3.0 “
At Astoria { 11.42 Am 5.9 “ 5.18 Am – -0.4 “
    1. Pm 7.9 “ 5.03 – 3.4 “
Had a nice bath in the ocean and sunbath.
When we arrived back at camp we found the owneers and friends having a picnic on the grounds.
They had not disturbed our things except to fill Matt's boots full of water. We were most surprised to find them.
These people said their home had been set fire last year, they did not know by whom. They have another place just out of North Bend.
There is a trail and road out of here but it goes across the sand dunes.
The coast is the same all along up to Winchester Bay.
The cattle [written above the word] cows we saw this orning were theirs. There is a lot of game thru this country.
There used to be an old stage road along the coast. This statement was repeated by others. The stage ran only at low tide when they could travel the hard sand. This landing at the creek on the ranch was to load “fish?” [this last word and question mark appears to have been added later to complete the sentence.]
For lunch – fried oatmeal in bacon grease, rye bread and butter, cooky crumbs, dates and all the water wanted drink for these people said the Creek water was safe to drink.
After the family left we washed our clothes in the creek, cleaned up, dressed, and left camp clean.
Hiking was not so bad this time although it is always hard across soft sandhills.
My watch has stopped although wound. It must be the sand or moisture or both. The spring is not broken.
We hiked along the Roosevelt Highway in quired at a Shell gas station and lerned that the last bus had gone by at four o'clock. They gave us water to drink and directed usto a palce where we could pick up a ride.

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