Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 56 Coast Walk second day

The second day's entry appears to be all Ruth but the final lines about the “stage” (Oregon parlance for busses) and the days meals may be Matt's, or it's just the failing light and tiredness that affects the handwriting. The reference to the stage is unclear. They obviously did not take it all the way to North Bend, but perhaps did take it to Marshfield and then hiked out of town after visiting the docks. A number of the photos posted yesterday are obviously from their trip into Coquille referenced here. Immediately following this entry are photos from the dock's at Marshfield (included with this post) and the next entry is from North Bend, but curiously no mention of the activities in Marshfield in today's entry, even though they fulfilled a long-held interest of Ruth's to just hang around the dock's. Something she told Laura and I that she always wanted to do (and had tried a few times when young, but was informed it was not what young ladies did). Matt also always loved boats so I'm sure this was a great day for them.


[In Ruth's hand]
Wednesday July 22, 1931
On a Hill between Marshfield
and North Bend

We are camped tonight on a hill over-looking Coos Bay about half way between Marshfield and North Bend. This seemed the only possibility outside another Auto-camp which we wished to avoid. We are just up from Marshfield and there are homes on all sides of us but we seem secluded enough for the night having made our bed over crushed [braken?].
There are wild black berries and wild huckle berries all over the hill side which perhaps accounts for the many trails in all directions.
We discovered our nearest neighbors from the barking of the dog. Matt went down to investigate and ask if we might get water. The man was very obliging and thought we would be in no danger of being disturbed.
The mosquitoes are thick.
The view of the bay and of North Bend with its is beautiful. The wind is cool and brisk.
We left our Auto Camp in Coquille about noon. The store kept our paks for us while we spent the day in town visiting the shops, the Myrtle Wood Factory, Saw Mill, etc.
Our stage out of Coquille was an hour late but stopped for us to pick up our packs at the Camp store.
For lunch we drank milk before going into town and had nuts, ice cream soda and fruit.
For supper we had fresh cracked crab tomatoes, bread and butter and dill pickles.
We are not setting up the tent to-night but sleeping with it under and over us.
Too dark to write more 8:30 Pm

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