Thursday, June 2, 2011

an addition to 1.1

Act 1 needs more in the middle and this is a beginning at filling it in. The scene picks up with a modification to what had been the last line in scene 1. There will probably be at least one more scene inserted into the mix already written.

 Monsieur: (speaking quietly but absolutely) All eras are the same—neither better or worse. Unless, perhaps, the people they should change.

(Marie enters and sits with Gil)

Marie (taking his hand): How you doing?

Gil: Great of course.

Marie: Should you be drinking before the tests?

Gil: Afraid I won't pass?

Marie: Gil, come on. You want them to be able to get the best information so you can get the best treatment right?

Gil: I don't really want to be treated at all. I don't want my balls cut off and then my veins filled with poison. Is that so unreasonable?

Marie: If the choice were to just be fine otherwise, no it wouldn't be. But the option is to fill your whole body with poison and watch it rot away piece by piece (he doesn't respond) balls first!

Gil: Well, if you put it like that...

Marie: C'mon, we're supposed to be at the doctor's in two hours and you know what the traffic's like between here and Cayenne.

Gil: I really don't want to go...

Marie: God Gil, I wish you didn't have to, but I want you to because I want you here for a long time. It sucks, but we'll get through it.

Gil: Will “we”? You're not the one...sorry, I know...Merde! All right. Let's get the hell out of here.

Jeanette is coming in as they depart, Jeanette starts to reach out to give each an embrace, but Gil brushes past and Marie clutches her arm and gives her one of those “we need to talk” looks and heads out with Gil.

Jeanette: What's up Steve?

Steve: They'd better give you the details Jeanette, but Gil's not well.

Jeanette: Damn. Well, that's a hell of a start to the day. I was hoping to talk them into a ride up to the spaceport.

Steve: Launch isn't until Friday right?

Jeanette: You don't just show up for the climax Steve. It's the build-up. I go up there, I feel like it could be me someday. Can you imagine, being up there, all.

Steve: It would be neat.

Jeanette: Neat? It is so much more than "neat." I want to colonize Mars or somewhere. Start new. (Monsieur looks up) Right Monsieur? Wouldn't you like to be able to start over somewhere?

Monsieur (smiles): I started over here Jeanette. But the reality is, you do not start over. You and everyone else is always with you. (Jeanette starts to object or just be disappointed) Non, Jeanette, I do not mean to sound the doom. But, the change, it is something you do, not the place you are....but sometimes, the place, she helps.

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